Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

You spelled magic wrong.

Nope. Magick is spelled this way to set it apart from magic or stage magic.

What is the Return Policy?

The policy is that if you have not opened the herbs then they can be returned. This will be done on a case by case basis. I do weigh each bag of herbs before I ship them out to make sure that its approximate weight matches that the site offers. Some items may be over the weight offered. If you really want to see the full Returns Policy then please click here.

I'm just getting started, any good suggestions?

We can suggest a few books. One of which is "True Magick" by Amber K (in its second edition). This book is great at opening your eyes to other magickal practices. Second is the "Wicca" by Scott Cunningham. I highly recommend just about any Scott Cunningham book as he very trustworthy. Third is by Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost its called "The Solitary Wiccan's Bible".

Where do you get your supplies from?

We used Monterey Bay Herb Company for most of our stock. What we can not procure from them we frequent small business (pagan owned where-ever possible). For any of our Native American/First Nations items we try and support Running Bear Medicine Camp in Minitonas, Manitoba, Canada.

Wait. What is TCM?

Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM for short. It is the practice of herbalist, acupuncture, Thai Chi or Qi Gong. I have had very good results with TCM. Trypanophobia (Needle phobic) talk with your TCM practitioner if you really want to avoid needles. They do have alternatives to acupuncture needles. If you're interested in reading more I highly suggest checking out the White Rabbit Institute of Healing.

What if I'm not a (Insert magickal path here)?

We do not judge or shy away from anyone on a pagan or magickal path. Remember that magick is like The Rules in "Pirates of the Caribbean", they're more like guidelines really. How closely you follow these guidelines is up to you.

What if I want to pratice a "darker" magick??

That is totally up to you as a person. Please see Lirio (the wise witch played by Assumpta Serna) from the movie "The Craft". Two quotes stick with me to this day from this flick. "Well then understand this: whatever you send out, you get back times three." And my personal favorite: " True magic is neither black nor white… it’s both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time."
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Funny Alternative forms of Payment

Please note that the above image is for parody and lolz. It also shows off how nerdy we really are. These are not  actual acceptable forms of payment.(Except Visa & Amex)