Rite & Ritual Magickal Herbs – Library – Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry

It was my understanding that there would be no maths.

Sacred Geometry is an idea that symbolic and sacred meanings are assigned to certain geometric shapes that fit certain proportions. Its the idea that the Architect(s) of the Universe created everything according to a geometric plan. Its very roots are in the study of nature. From honeybees to the growth of nautilus shell there’s significance in nature’s forms.

So who was the genius who thought about this? If you guessed the most famous ol G from Ancient Greece, Plato. You’d be correct, according to Plutarch (also Greek). Ancient Greek Mic drop!

The entire universe is made out of math. I’m not much of a mathematician myself. But this is a topic that I think we can wrap our brains around. Geometry’s role in this is equally vital.

How much Sacred Geometry are we going to talk about? There are a total of 600 shapes. There are 28 that I’m going to cover briefly. I don’t plan on using too much math to explain these diagrams. Since we have so many, lets get this list started.

Sacred Geometry Shapes

Vesica Pisces

Meaning: Balance & Creation
Common Uses: Venn Diagrams, Ichtys (jesus fish), Triquetra (The trinity) & Reuleaux Triangle (Freemasons), Evil Eye Ward, Ancient Roman Archatecture (Vitruvius), Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Seed of Life

Meaning: Blessing & Protection
Common Uses: Represents the 7 days of creation (JudeoChristian), Islam, Art, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Fibonacci Spiral/Golden Spiral

Meaning: Spiritual Growth
Common Uses: Art, Nature, Finance, Biology, Layout of the Giza Plateau, Mozart's Music, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Egg of Life

Meaning: New Life, Rebirth, Fertility, Health, Stability
Common Uses: Embro Development, Music, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Flower of Life

Meaning: Blueprint for the Universe
Common Uses: Atomic structure, Life, Crystal Grids, Quantum Physics, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Tree of Life

Meaning: Connection to everything including the unseen
Commin Uses: Jewish Kabbalah, Pillar of Severity, Pillar of Mildness & Pillar of Mercy, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Fruit of Life

Meaning: Organizing & Preparing One self
Common Uses: All 5 Platonic Solids, 12 signs of the Zodiac, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Metatron's Cube

Meaning: Discover your personal power, Stability, Permanence, Perfection
Common Uses: Islamic, Judeo-Christiany, Ancient Egypt, Crystal Grids, Healing grids, Meditation, Jewelry

Grid of Life

Meaning: Connect with Your Soul
Common Uses: Codons in DNA, Number of cells we have before the divide after conception, 64 bits of computer memory & code, Number of generations from Adam to Jesus, Manifestations of the Lord Shiva, in Hinduism, Number of squares on chess/checker board, 64 Hexagrams in the I-Ching, Number of Tantras in Hinduism, Maximum number of strokes in a single Chinese character, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Vector Equilibrium #1

Meaning: Uniting Opposites
Common Uses: Quantum Physics, Wave-Particle Duality, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Vector Equilibrium #2

Meaning: Absolute Balance
Common Uses: Jewish Kabbahlla, Ancient Egypt, Da Vinci's Art, Quantum Physics, Vitruvian Man, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Torus /Yantra

Meaning: Cycle energy in Balance
Common Uses: Aura Visualization, Genesis Pattern, Astrophysics, Ouroboros, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids


Meaning: Connection to Light, Body & Spirit
Common Uses: Jewish Kabbalah, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids, Crystal Carvings

Lotus of Life

Meaning: Purity, Overcoming Adversity & Rebirth
Common Uses: Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Ying & Yang

Meaning: Opposite Forces are interconnected & Counter Balanced
Common Uses: Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Meditation, Jewelry

Seal of Solomon

Meaning: Positivity, Happiness & Renewal
Common Uses: Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Estonian Star

Meaning: Life, Fertility & Wards off evil
Common Uses: Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Star of Goliath

Meaning: Oneness, Completeness, Perfection, & Unity of all religions
Common Uses: Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids


Meaning: Creation, Balance, Harmony, Cyclical Nature
Common Uses: Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Unicrusal Hexagram

Meaning: Heavenly Microcosmic, Planetary Forces
Common Uses: Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Reuleaux Triangle

Meaning: The Trinity
Common Uses: Freemasonry, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Sri Yantra/ Sri Chakra

Meaning: Abundance, Prosperity
Common Uses: Buddhism, Hindu, Manifestation tool, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Double Spiral

Meaning: Balance
Common Uses: Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids


Meaning: Harmony, Balance & Connection to the Natural World
Common Uses: Buddhist Art, Hindu Art, Art Therapy, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids

Celtic/Viking Knots

Meaning: Unity, Eternal Spiritual Life
Common Uses: Celtic Art, Viking Art, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids, Crystal Carvings

Celtic/Viking Knots (cont.)

Meaning: Unity, Eternal Spiritual Life
Common Uses: Celtic Art, Viking Art, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids, Crystal Carvings

Endless Knot

Meaning: Endless Wisdom, Compassion, Life Cycles (birth, death, rebirth)
Common Uses: Buddhist Art, Buddhism, Celtic Art, Viking Art, Meditation, Jewelry, Crystal Grids, Crystal Carvings