Rite & Ritual Magickal Herbs – Library – Crystal Shapes & Care

Crystal Shapes & Care

Crystal Shapes

If you’re looking for Crystals or Stones you can find them in a myriad of shapes. But which is better? How do I chose?  No worries. We’ve got answers to this.


Common shapes are listed below. Please note that there are numerous carved “fetish” (Straight to horny jail if you took that to the gutter!) crystals and stones. If it calls to you it probably won’t matter the shape or the stone/crystal.

Cluster: Momma Nature made them and she’s been generous. These radiate energy, great for mediation and unity.

Double Terminated: This is a crystal or stone that has been tumbled/polished and cut with a point on either end.

Egg: These are typically tumbled/polished stones that have been shaped into an egg. These are supposed to bring balance, fertility & healing.


Generator (Tower/Obelisk/Skyscraper): These can be roughly shaped or cut/faceted. These are typically a energy amplifier and charger.

Palm Stone (Worry Stone): These are stones or crystals that have been tumbled/polished and shaped so that they are very comfortable to hold. These are typically grounding and healing.

Pyramid: There are often polished and shaped like a pyramid. These are good for manifestation and intently focused energy.

Raw: As Mother Nature made them. These are strong & pure energy

Rough Faceted: These are roughly shaped stones.

Single Termination: Often a polished and cut/faceted stone, but can be rough having one end coming to a point. (Can be small Obelisks/Wands)


Sphere: These can be tumbled and smooth or slightly rough and are typically good for harmony, Scrying, and giving even energy all around.


Tumbled: These are often put through several stages of water and exposure to varying levels of abrasiveness to get the smooth rounded stones we see. These are often gentle and have constant energy.

When it comes to crystal shapes there isn’t one shape that’s better than the others. Its about what calls to you. If you like the tumbled Epidote over the raw one, go with that one. If you like the little Obsidian carved dragon then go with that.



Caring for crystals is easy when your remember the five ways to cleanse a crystal. You’ll find on the Crystals Guide & The Stones & Mineral Guides I have noted which stones and crystals should not be cleansed by water. It also notes which should not be left in the sun for extended periods of time.


Water is said to neutralize any negative energy stored inside the stone and return it back to the earth. Although natural running water — like a stream — is best, you can also rinse your stone under a faucet. Whatever your water source, ensure that your stone is completely submerged. Pat dry when complete.


Salt water presents a bit of an issue. Pay attention to the kind of minerals. If they are a salt based DO NOT use water they will dissolve. Bathe your crystals in salt water overnight depending on if they are in their natural state or polished. If polished you can cleanse them for just five minutes. If rough, they can stay longer, I would say 10 minutes max. This type of cleansing is used for crystals like Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz.


You can use Sage, Palo Santo, or any other smudging herbs you have on hand. If you running low on Smudge, use an incense stick or cone. Pass it through the smoke a few times or fan the smoke over the stones/crystals.

Allow the smoke to envelop the stone for about 30 seconds. If it’s been a while since your last cleansing — or you feel the stone is holding onto a lot — consider smudging for an additional 30 seconds.


Allow the sun or moonshine to cleanse and recharge your crystals for 24 hours outside in your yard, on your porch, balcony or window sill. If you’re worried about bleaching in the sun, then place in an area that gets sun, but not direct sun. Better yet, let the moon cleanse those.


You can bury your crystals underground (or bring a box of dirt inside) for some powerful cleansing vibes. Alternately, you can simply place your crystal on top of the ground. Just make sure you choose somewhere where you won’t lose it. A small plastic bowl or bin would be a good choice. Even better if you can see through it.

Crystals that you do not have to cleanse(as Often/Much):

  • Citrine
  • Kyanite
  • Selenite

You should still cleanse these every so often in one of the safe methods mentioned above.